Judge Richard Posner of United States Court of Appeals judge in Chicago suggested that linking to copyrighted material should be outlawed. Erick Schonfeld of Techcrunch disagreed and even felt it was unbelievable that he had to come up with a post to explain why this was a bad idea. Wrote Erick , Blogs and other sites just take content from newspapers, Posner asserts, but they share none of the costs of news gathering. Of course, that blanket assertion is simply not true. A growing number of blogs, including TechCrunch, do their own news gathering and send writers to cover events at their own cost. But even if we limit the discussion to cut-and-paste sites, the free rider argument still doesn’t hold much water. You can’t be a free rider if you are giving something back of value. A link on its own is valuable. Where does Judge Posner think all of these newspaper sites get their readers? It is mostly through links, not direct traffic. Removing the links would obliterate ...
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