It is quite incredible of what you can find with a simple Google search. I was doing a search on circulation numbers and I found the Yearbook of Statatics 2009 at . If you are interested in some numbers of media consumption, look to section 1.15 on recreation and public safety. Here are some highlights. 1. Daily circulation of newspapers was down about 5% from 2008 (326 per 1,000 population) to 2009 (307 per 1,000 population). 2. Movie attendance remained at the same level in 2008 and 2009 at 3,938 per 1,000 population. 3. Residential Broadband subscribers increase from 239 per 1,000 in 2008 to 332 per 1,000. 4. Introduction to Singtel’s MIO TV in 2007 did not create any major increment in Pay TV subscribers as the number increased from 116 per 1,000 population to 139 per population in 2009. 5. Badminton was the most popular sport in Singapore with 401,770 bookings of badminton courts in 2009. 6. Temperature ...
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