Seth Godin recently post his definition of customer service. This is something where Singtel can learn as it looks to tackle the viral complaint about its 3G services.
Wrote Seth Godin,
"The only purpose of 'customer service'...
is to change feelings. Not the facts, but the way your customer feels. The facts might be the price, or a return, or how long someone had to wait for service. Sometimes changing the facts is a shortcut to changing feelings, but not always, and changing the facts alone is not always sufficient anyway.
The customer who seeks out your help isn't often looking to deplete your bank account. He is usually seeking validation, support and a path to feeling the way he felt before you let him down."
Seth has hit it on the spot about customer service.
When the complaint about Singtel 3G coverage went viral, Singtel went the traditional method of addressing the complaint with facts.
This of course didn't work. The customer does not care if Singtel is investing $3billion or installing another 100 base stations in Singapore.
All the customer wanted was to be assured that his decision to choose Singtel over Starhub or M1 was the right 2-year commitment he ever made.
This lesson in customer service isn't just for Singtel, but for all those who want to live up to its commitment to "good customer" service.