Media is a very powerful tool.
Like fire, it can be a good servant but a bad master.
With web2.0 tools giving the public to have the tools to create their own media, the empowerment can be overbearing.
Take for example a "Andrew Teo" who recorded his shouting match with a taxi driver.
Did that mobile phone give him the perception that he had the superiority over the taxi driver?
In the end of the day, the greater power of the YouTube community and forums proved to be more powerful than this "Andrew Teo".
Their comments made "Andrew Teo" the aggressor instead of being the victim which he portrayed himself to be.
"Andrew Teo" felt too much of the heat that he took down, not only the video clip, but the whole channel.
The irony of it is that in the clip, "Andrew Teo" dared the taxi driver not to run away, but "Andrew Teo" ran away from his community.
Like fire, it can be a good servant but a bad master.
With web2.0 tools giving the public to have the tools to create their own media, the empowerment can be overbearing.
Take for example a "Andrew Teo" who recorded his shouting match with a taxi driver.
Did that mobile phone give him the perception that he had the superiority over the taxi driver?
In the end of the day, the greater power of the YouTube community and forums proved to be more powerful than this "Andrew Teo".
Their comments made "Andrew Teo" the aggressor instead of being the victim which he portrayed himself to be.
"Andrew Teo" felt too much of the heat that he took down, not only the video clip, but the whole channel.
The irony of it is that in the clip, "Andrew Teo" dared the taxi driver not to run away, but "Andrew Teo" ran away from his community.