A recent Text100 survey on Asia Pacific bloggers revealed something that I have all along knew and put into practiced when engaging bloggers – Introduce yourself first to the bloggers first before you engage.
Case in point? Read this old post at http://socialpr.blogspot.com/2009/02/new-field-in-socialpr-social-media.html
If you are in PR and dealing with bloggers for the first time, you must always remember you are now dealing with the public, not the press.
The press maybe used to the mass email but not the public.
Put yourself in the blogger’s shoes. Would you like to receive an unsolicited email that suddenly inviting you to attend an event or asking you to blog about it?
Even at a networking event, you approach a stranger with an introduction of yourself first before you launch into your elevator pitch.
Hence, your first email to the blogger must always have a personal salutation, and an introduction to who you are, how you got the blogger’s contact email and why you are contacting him/her.
I just find it surprising that it takes a survey to remind us on the basics of human interaction.