The biggest problem of most social media search engines is that they search the World Wide Web.
But what if your account is only Singapore based? Sorting out the social media sites from Singapore alone can be a daunting task.
I found a new search engine called Crowdsview dedicated to Singapore-Only Social Media Sites which seemed to have been just release by the Singapore team at Crowdsis.
The search engine seems to be still in the infancy page but the potential looks great.
For example, if one were to do a search on Pastor Ronny Tan, who apologised for his comments on Buddhism that was aired and shared on YouTube, it can be seen that the discussion in the forums started as early as Feb 04, 2009 with 34 mentions of the Pastor.
Crowdsview can be found here.
Please feel free to suggest new sites to be added to the search index by using the following link Crowdsview Suggestion