If you are into social media or want to be into social media, the first thing you ought to do is to stop typing out vulgarities to your friends on any social media outlets.
Last March, one social media executive at Health Promotion Board tweeted the f-bomb, which was meant for friends, on the HPB account . On April’s Fool 2011, a social media executive at The Straits Times tweeted the f-bomb, which was also meant for friends, on The Straits Times twitter account – Stcom.
Look at both incidents. Both were meant for friends. But because of a mix up in account on the Twitter client, the two behind both accounts send out the f-bomb through these official Twitter accounts.
Many have said that the four letter word is something you say commonly to friends and friends take it in jest. However, if the f-bomb comes from an official account, it affects the reputation of the brand.
The social media editor for STcom has apologise for the error.
Wrote The Straits Times,
Upon being alerted, Straits Times social media editor Ng Tze Yong immediately posted a tweet apologising on behalf of the staff member who had committed the blunder.
But the tweet had already gone viral within minutes, with hundreds of Twitter users re-posting the message.
'But on social media, as we can see, there's absolutely no margin for error. This is the volatile space which we are venturing into and, as I told the team later, we've got to learn fast and learn to recover fast from the knocks along the way.'
So if you are in social media, or want to be in one, stop using vulgarities when you Twittering to friends.