I have been visiting a couple of spas lately to look at their Facebook Pages and found that many of them face stagnant Fan growth.
With the number of Facebook Pages increasing exponentially, it isn’t surprising that even when you put content up there on a regular basis, organic fan growth can still go stagnant now because your content can be easily buried by other status updates that appear in the fan’s news feed.
The biggest problem with Facebook Pages is that it is extremely hard to find. Big brands have easier recall rates but the small brands are the one you most like forget when you reach home.
Here are some tips for small consumer business looking to overcome stagnant fan growth.
Tip 1: Get a username for your Facebook Page
When you set up your Facebook Page, you will get a long url of words and numbers. There is no way anybody will remember them. Search us on FB will be quickly be forgotten.
So if you have 25 fans or more, go to http://www.facebook.com/username to get a shorter URL for your Facebook Page.
Once you gotten your username for the Facebook Page, you can print Page name with a shorter url like fb.com/username. This shorten URL is a recently introduced feature by Facebook.
With a shorter URL, you can print it on your ad or collectorals.
Tip 2: Message your fans
A status update is good to communicate with your fans, but it could be buried in the news feed within minutes.
There is a update fans feature at the admin option that will allow you to message your fans directly.
Yes, some fans may not look at their Facebook Message inbox, but it is a better form of targeted marketing.
Tip 3: Think about the unconverted friend of the Fans
The fans who like your Page are already converted. But what about their friends who aren’t. Each Facebook user has an average of 150 friends or more. Make use of the social network to reach out to these friends.
This means that your communication have to be targeted at the friend. Get the fans to recommend their friends to like the Page.
Look at how you can use benefits to get the fan involve. Reward your fans for bringing in a friend.
Facebook Page marketing has reached a state of saturation and you have to look at it different angles. Just asking a customer to join a Page is no longer as easy as before as the novelty stage of Facebook is now a distance past.